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They Call Me Yuck Mouth

‘Does anyone remember the “Yuck Mouth” commercial (below)?  I used to sing it all the time because it was catchy.  It actually made me brush my teeth more often. As an adult, I’ve carried a toothbrush and toothpaste with me and I even have one at work so I can brush my teeth after lunch.


Brushing is very important for a child’s teeth and hygiene.  If you start brushing their teeth as a baby, it will become a good habit well into adulthood.  When my children were infants, I started brushing their gums with a soft rubber baby toothbrush.  As soon as the first tooth broke through the gums, I changed it to a bristled brush. Not only does it soothe the child’s gums but it also cleans the teeth at the very beginning.


My first book, I Can Brush All By Myself, talks about the beginning stages of brushing teeth with your parent and then becoming old enough to brush alone.  Make sure you brush your child’s least the ones you want them to keep.

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